What is Good Churches?

Good Churches International was formed to be an association of churches under § 170(b)(1)(A)(i) of the Internal Revenue Code and is a non-profit, religious corporation.

How is Good Churches supported?
Good Churches is supported by donations from its cooperating churches and like-minded Christians who believe in our mission.

Can I or my U.S. church send money directly to this program?
Not in any sizable amounts. The national government of our target country has passed anti-conversion laws and increasingly opposes any Christian activity. As a result, it’s working to cut off all direct funds for Christian work coming from foreign countries. 

How does Good Churches get money into the country?
We work through established entities–both in the United States and in our target ministry areas–that enable us to legally get funds to our overseas partners in order to provide resources and training for indigenous pastors. We utilize grant agreements and other methods to ensure appropriate accountability.

Can I travel for my own site visit?
Maybe. Americans can sometimes secure tourist visas to visit our overseas partners, but site visits to the program’s buildings are not without risk. They draw attention and potential scrutiny for the local workers. A site visit would need to be highly coordinated with us.

How can I practically involve my church in this work?
This is difficult. We support a U.S. church’s desire to involve itself and even send workers in support of a program’s mission. That’s the right general practice. But the reason some places remain stubbornly unreached with the gospel is formal governmental opposition (as shows up in laws and closed borders) as well as informal local religious nationalism (as shows up, say, in an angry mob). Since there are indigenous Christian workers already in place, we’ve concluded it is best for foreigners to keep their distance. However, we regularly have U.S. church leaders interact via email and Zoom calls with the program leaders. Churches can sometimes print–not digitally–information about the work for purposes of prayer.

Why don’t you (Good Churches leadership and staff) publicly identify yourselves?
As Americans, we don’t identify ourselves online so that we retain the freedom to move in and out of our targeted region without putting those we support at risk. Our own travel is important for the sake of providing the accountability that we pledge to donor-partners.

Why does Good Churches concern itself with accountability?
We believe everyone needs accountability. This is why, here in the West, we have reporting rules in government and business aptly called “sunshine laws.” Sadly, there are places around the world notorious for financial malfeasance, including among those who present themselves as charity organizations. A little money from America can make a person overseas rich. Keep in mind, annual income in one of our target countries is less than $500 a month.

What does it mean for a church to be in cooperation with Good Churches?
Good Churches International is organized as an association of churches who prize healthy local churches as God’s means to accomplish the Great Commission. As such we desire to cooperate with like-minded cooperative churches. 

Cooperative churches are churches whose doctrinal beliefs and practices are consistent with the historic and Biblical teachings of Christianity set forth in our Doctrinal Statement and support the mission of Good Churches International.  Cooperation may take the form of opportunities to pray with us and our overseas partners, provide strategic, biblical advice to support our pastor-training and missional efforts, and to provide financial support. 

Some cooperative churches will take a further step to become a member of our association of churches. The baseline criteria to become a member church are as follows. The church:

If you are interested in more information about becoming a cooperative and/or member church with us, please write to us at info@goodchurches.org.

Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes, Good Churches International was formed to be an association of churches under § 170(b)(1)(A)(i) of the Internal Revenue Code and is a non-profit, religious corporation. Under the Internal Revenue Code, donations to an association of churches are tax deductible.

What is Good Churches Doctrinal Statement?
Statement of Faith